*Opens devRant*
*sees everybody saying how great Linux is*
*Tries deepin OS*
*Keyboard backlight not working *
*Searches YouTube for a fix*
*Fixes the Backlight*
*Screen resolution set to 800*600 by defualt (monitor 1920*1080)*
*Grub decides there is no need for a windows entry*
*plugs in Windows USB*
*Opens cmd*
*list disk*
*sel disk 0*
*list vol*
*sel vol 3*
*boots into windows*
*Follows a guide to remove grub*
*Learns the lesson*
*Ooh OS X seems nice*

  • 11
    We should do one of those from the POV of a Linuxer trying Windows :)
    Grub disappear, Linux overwritten, pop-up everywhere, slow as fuck, obvious days tracking everywhere... It feels like visiting north Korea :)
  • 7
    try virtualbox on windows.

    here a linux distro to try
  • 2
    I'm curious, what's the best destro to get in touch with linux and learn some things?
  • 6
    for first timers
    Elementary os, linux mint, ubuntu.
  • 1
    i know, thats why it's last in my list.
  • 1
    CentOS is my flavour of choice; Redhat is the supported version. You can sign up for a developers version of RH for free. Redhat/CentOS official documentation is so good it's art!
  • 5
    @Bjonic I'd recommend mint!
  • 6
    if I'm not mistaken, deepin is still in development right? and as @linuxxx said, I always recommend linux mint for newcomers, try it out
  • 2
    @Haxk20 care to elaborate on how Ubuntu spies on its users more than Windows does? I've not heard this before and in the age of Windows 10 it seems unlikely
  • 0
    @josh1238 @Haxk20 I'd like to know that too! Thought about ditching Debian for Ubuntu :/
  • 0
    There is this epic video rant about ubuntu. 🙈

  • 2
    I like how you first fixed the backlight then the screen res.
  • 2
    @heyheni so it is just the Amazon thing, thought so. It's a valid point but is no where near the egregious spying and selling of data done by Microsoft on the kernel level, which can't be opted out of unlike Unity's search feature that can be turned off with a simple setting change. Or you can just not use Unity (i3 ftw.) The fact that Canonical collects some data is another valid point but I would contend your data is in better hands there than Microsoft. So while it isn't a perfectly free system it is by no means disqualified from being considered Linux and is definitely not worse than Windows in this regard. Saying Ubuntu is "not" Linux offends my sensibilities, and the claim that it spies more on its users than Windows is just false
  • 0
    @willol You forgot locked files and ransom demands.
  • 1
    @heyheni my first Linux distro is arch

    OK, arch based, it's argentos, meant to be an easy arch based linux

    Also, this is around the time where Windows is really starting to annoy me
  • 0
    @Jop- srsly ?
  • 2
    @aile11 Do you mean that about what he said about that keylogger or?
  • 0
  • 0
    @Jop- ok, good that I actually started to switch to Linux already, but I'll still need some time, and game support isn't 100% there
  • 0
    @Jop- well, I won't switch completely, as I said, loads of games don't run on Linux
    And the school uses few windows only programs...
  • 1
    Well that escalated quickly
  • 2
    Just to make things clear I LOVE Linux but the thing is many apps are incompatible even with wine or playwithlinux I just use windows for gaming and the fact that many of these games only run on Windows frustrates me.
    PS. I still run manjaro KDE on virtual box and it's so lovely💓
  • 0
    I'd suggest that if you are running UEFI enabled computer, install rEFInd, it's a fucking life-saver
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