While the sidenote of explanation regarding the business process being added up front without much useful detail is all nice etc

Expecting some overblown explanation about fixing a mistake from a middle aged man as to motivation is just stupid

What else is stupid is directing a person to the same things when you people are supposedly supposed to spare us that

What else is stupid is people processing literally 10s of 1000s of man hours of the PRECISE same work over and over again letting themselves be psychologically programmed and handicapped

And what is really dumb is when vital data that can make a large difference in a payment getting processed or a claim being accepted or rejected is just allowed to pass through entirely on the premise that it allows a broken ass system to bite some in the ass and give a break to someone else instead of FIXING THE FUCKING SYSTEM

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    You know and further
    The problem wouldn't need this level of control if people would stop producing ruined people in the first place

    Bringing someone who was perfectly happy back through this nightmare with updated unhappy knowledge will produce a new version of reactions even if they remain the same overall as will the effects of aging

    Jesus couldn't have just let things be happy
    Had to push towards that extra level of psycho

    Overcame all this years ago and life was fine
    Why not let life be fine ?
    Why require someone to overcome all this horrid negative clusterfuck bullshit at all in between planned bouts or debilitating emotional trauma and life oriented turmoil or I'll bite drugging me and putting me in a different part of the fucking country

    You fucking people made this mess
    Why should decent folk be expected to live with it ???
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