Every little positive thing has a cumulatively encouraging effect on the mind

It may not balance out the bad in someone's life

It may cause a diseased mind discomfort at first

But in the end in the former case it's better than not to have things that reinforce a sense of well being

And in the latter a mind caused discomfort by happy things is one that is used to hiding in its own misery to avoid its own pain and the recognition of that pain dragging it slowly out of it's mopey bleak existence is the first step towards self betterment

I thought of this as previously over the smile my fitness app brought on my face saying 'beyond awesome'

It's nice to have little reinforcers

And to all the bitter hateful disgusting garbage that takes joy in making any and all causes of joy except their own dysfunctional warped interests please get fucked to death with a steel pole with a wide hook on the end 😁

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