What CI software are you using?
Are you happy with it or what do you hate about it.

I tried 5 different CI platforms in the past week, and I did not like any of them..

Any recommendations? (Can also be self hosted, I have a k8s cluster at my disposal)

// a short rant about team city
wE uSe koTliN dSL to reduce how much configuration is needed, fuck you I ended up with even more, it's horrible I have 40+ micro services, meta runners sounded like a awesome feature until I found out you need to define one for ever single fucking project...

Oh and on top of that, you cannot use one from root parent, but also it cannot be named the same.

Why is all ci software just so retarded - sorry I really cannot put it any other way

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    Would be interested what your criteria are... And what you have tested.

    CI is *hard*.

    I don't think any CI is excellent.

    Every CI has it's weaknesses.

    We're utilizing Bamboo and Bamboos weakness is that it's retarded.

    Like most Atlassian Products, it's a frankenstein that was stitched together without any cohesion, soul or intelligence.
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    Pray and hope
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    Gitlab CI is really good. Circle Ci is good but a bit more complex. GH Actions & Jenkins are ok
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    gitlab ci is nice and im happy with that one, though im only using ci at work.
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    Gitlab ci. Used travis before, had rather organisational than technical problems with it. Before that jenkins, was ok.
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    github actions is good for android projects. i sometimes think that its not a CICD feature, but rather a test of how much you know about the workings of gradle and its configuration in your project. if you can run a bunch of tasks locally, it can run them on cloud for you
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    we use azure devops pipelines.
    has the wealness that when you want approval from staging to prod, you need to create so called environments. and environments need to run an agent on the server to which you deploy :/

    for k8s: i am using argo cd on my local k3s cluster.

    apart from that our pipelines deploy through ssh with some funny scripts. not happy about that but it does the job for us.

    we do not need fancy things, that's why that is sufficient for us.
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    Jenkins, with orgfolders to automatically scan for new repos and auto add them and shared pipelines libraries to be able to simply reuse pipelines for multiple projects.
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    @IntrusionCM So generally what I need from my CI software is simplicity, every one is pushing more and more features but for most of my workflows it just a simple chain:

    build -> test -> deploy to repository -> create docker container with created binary -> push to registry

    So pipelines need to be reusable, and I don't like to going thru 10 UI pages just to get to something (looking at you teamcity)

    And GitLab CI is the best option I tried for this so far

    List of tested CI's

    GitLab CI (Currently my favorite)

    TeamCity, DroneCI,GitHub Actions, Jenkins, Travis CI
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    I'd be curious to know if the UI played a role in your decision?

    GitLab (afaik) and GitHub use a declarative approach, which is "relative" new.

    Most CIs focused on trying to wrap a UI around work flows - which backfired in many cases, as UI design is "restricting". It doesn't fit well with complexity and adaptivity.

    Declarative approach makes this easier - after all, it is a DSL, not bound to UI elements and UI concepts.

    The concepts behind CI are interestingly always the same - e.g. jobs / stages / artifacts / caching / deployment...
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    @IntrusionCM Yeah good UI/UX is important to me, I was hoping that TeamCity with kotlin dsl would provide me with good alternative to their bad ux design, but they only kinda support it, many things still need to be done in their UI which is just a pain to use :/
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