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    404 god not found
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    Sorry, god is not available right now - but the light bringer is always here to answer your call and will never gonna give you up and never gonna let you down...
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    5 points to ravenclaw.

    also: god isn't real and jesus was just another powerhungry, lying warmonger
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    @tosensei Saying god isn't real is just as incorrect as saying he's definitely real
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    @12bitfloat Well nobody can prove if a higher entity exists or not but I am pretty sure if there is one he is not the god which (any) religion describes

    Maybe we are all in a simulation or just ants for this entity who knows maybe he never existed maybe we don't exist because we are a dream of someone
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    @12bitfloat it's at most not very precise. as is the word "god" itself.

    tell me your exactly what your definition of god is, and i tell you which of the following he is:

    1) nonexistant

    2) technically existant, but irrelevant

    3) something to be despised and abhored
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    I actually agree with @12bitfloat besides better to believe in something
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