My teammate seems to have a knack for CC’ing my boss when he thinks I broke something. Fuck you a-hole.

  • 7
    Follow up: never broke anything. In fact, i’m the one fixing everything.
  • 4
    This is rude and a sign he may have a serious problem. Maybe with you or with his own performance or with your boss. You should definately talk with him and ask what is going in.
  • 5
    CC his mother
  • 1
    @fstackdev0530 time to have a conversation with your boss. Set both the record straight and get the arshole fired. This is unacceptable behaviour. If you need to inform you boss you do it blameless until there is a clear issue with the personnel (as in same reckless dude always breaks stuff).
  • 1
    @green-portal A duh she was still hot back then.
    B guess who told on her and got her grounded for a month. Fucking a-hole.
  • 1
    Agree with others that you need to talk to your boss. I'd be as straightforward as you've been here: "Hi, I see A-H has been CCing you with emails saying I've broken stuff? I've actually been the one fixing issues. Can I talk to you about this?"
  • 0
    Wow. I would not accept that!
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