Fucking egos. Why is it so difficult to communicate with some senior?
Senior: we need to support old browsers.
Me: What about using polyfills.ts?
Senior: that's not what I am asking for. what's wrong with my implementation?
Me: check whether a global function exists at one place does not solve the issue. What if people use global function somewhere else
Senior: is the pr breaking some features for old browser...

Fucking hell

  • 5
    I hope he does not intend to support IE11... I'd immediately quit. Too much PTSD from supporting legacy browsers...
  • 3
    @PonySlaystation The usual motivation is ticking some marketing checkbox for compatibility. However, marketing usually bails out as soon as a proper price tag is attached to that checkbox.

    After all, the only reason for that checkbox is that it has always been there from when the now-legacy browsers were current. Nobody has cared to think about it, and attaching a price tag forces people to start thinking.
  • 4
    Don't support really old browsers. People who use them don't have much money to spend on your product or offering.
  • 3
    Supported browsers are listed in product documentation and the discussed function is supported by listed browser versions. The senior believe the code should work for browsers older than officially supported versions.

    And the current release is beyond broken. I doubt any sane person would deploy that piece of shit on production.

    I have the feeling that the guy likes to cuck juniors. Lots of code review comments do not make sense.
  • 1
    @spongegeoff except governments they rather pay for legacy than upgrade
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