Hey guys I want to make a android app in my trash phone but I don't know any Aide for phone because I dont have any pc or laptop

  • 8
    Do you know where apps come from?
  • 9
    @rantsauce something with bees and flowers right?
  • 6
    Just keep typing lots of funny symbols until you've got a couple of thousand lines, then debug until it works and is awesome. Later on, lots of people will want to buy it and you'll be rich. There are lots of books about this.
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    @Ninja-coder-77 You are walking paths nobody has walked before...
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    @PonySlaystation I am always try to do different from normal people I think it's a good habit
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    @spongegeoff That a good idea for make money easily 🤣🤣😂😂
  • 4
    @Ninja-coder-77 I CAN be a good habit, but that depends... if you do it on your own time, it may lead to great knowledge, but in a professional setting, it's often a huge risk due to time and budget limitations.
  • 6
    Have a look at andronix, it runs linux on your phone. Then use the ide you would use on your computer and hook up a mouse and a keyboard to your phone.

    It's not great but may be the best option for you.
  • 2
    To be kinder, try installing If This Then That (IFTTT) from the Google Play store. You'll get some idea of how to make processes work and, possibly, become a programmer much later on IF-IF-IF you are smart enough and start by learning one language or another NOT all of them at once. Coding is for people who are okay with learning and understand that there will be a lot of work involved in getting to the level where you can write a working app.
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    @PonySlaystation I don't have so much money but my dream is so big I am always sad because I have good knowledge but I dont have any pc and other side who even dont know how to boot a pc he have a good pc why God always do this thing on me i think God happy when I cry 😢
  • 3
    @jonas-w Oh no. Running Gradle on a low powered mobile chip *shudder* 😨
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    @jonas-w I already try this method but when I clone wget command on termux so he give me a error
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    @Ninja-coder-77 okay this would be your first lesson to become a developer, debug this error. Maybe it just isn't possible but never give up until you 100% know it doesn't work
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    @12bitfloat oh .. he wants to run android studio
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    @Ninja-coder-77 If you now also remember what the error actually said you're one step closer to your goal
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    @jonas-w To be fair I wouldn't even know where to start writing an android app without android studio, so I'll give him that
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    @jonas-w OK 😤 now I try every single method to fix this error
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    @12bitfloat i guess Electron/flutter stuff (idk if you need android studio for it)
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    @jonas-w Oh yeah that's a thing. My brain automagically drones out anything to do with JavaScript
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    @12bitfloat same, i'm more the backend guy and i always try my best to use the least bloaty things.
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    Get Andronix or Debian noroot on playstore. Install nodejs, react-native and rtfd. Comeback here 2 years later.
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    @jonas-w his phone gonna smoke running android studio :D
  • 0
    i actually know of an ide running on android for making android apps...

    i'll look up how it's called tomorrow
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