  • 3
    Which distro di you use?
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    Living in Florida, I can confirm, this is not true.
  • 2
    @thmnmlst I did nazi that coming
  • 1
    Ok, not really true, but it's funny af :D

    I wouldn't even say that osx is useless although I hate it, mind if I do?
  • 6
    Windows 10 is useless?
    Oh, I remember presenting my work on it.
    Oh, I remember playing games on it.
    Oh, I remember 3d modelling on it.
    Oh, I remember programming on it.

    It is not useless.

    But I never do that with you. So you are useless?
  • 1
    I do these things in linux ...
    And it is more secure..
  • 1
    @Ryuk Still does not mean that Windows is useless.
  • 0
    Correct me if i am wrong... Windows is not useless but it also takes more hardware resources than Linux... 😅
  • 0
    @Ryuk Well, when I boot my arch install, my ram usage it's at ~600mb, while on Windows it gets to 1.6Gb.

    Yeah, it's a little more resource-heavy, but I prefer stability. Also, yeah, you should always strive for the lower usage, but unused resources are wasted resources.
  • 2
    @apex if you don't have to waste resources on the OS you can use them for something else though
  • 1
    @aile11 That's why I said that I prefer stability rather than free resources. I mean, my Windows reference it's about my OS with services and background software, not a vanilla install.

    I've had my fair share of issues with Linux that I'd state that Linux it's for the server/embedded, but my workhorse that hasn't left me behind ever is Windows
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    @apex I've just started using Linux, so I can't say too much about it yet
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    @aile11 Welcome home & good luck ;)
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    @aile11 I so tired of 404 joke and decide to not flood mine in rant feed.
    (thank you by the way ;)
  • 1
    @CSaratakij no problem :D

    Liking Linux so far, easy install, lots of control and no pre installed bullshit

    Did a reinstall of Windows last week... fml
  • 1
    @aile11 Its okay, Linux will wait for you to be back home xD.
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