Tweet: Angular is slow.

vdom is worse than angular.

Then why not fix the stupid change detection strategy, broken form type/validations, late subscription bugs.

"Angular is for enterprise app".
This sentence means nothing.

Wtf angular community is so toxic


  • 0
    IMO a large percentage of toxic devs in node are angular and react devs, angular moreso than react though.
  • 4
    "for enterprise" literally translates to "designed to be terrible"
  • 0
    As a non-web dev I still struggle to understand why the fuck y'all got like 17 frameworks that all do the same thing or why you would even need one to begin with
  • 1
    use web components. Even without them, well-written direct DOM manipulation with querySelector and standard DOM api is guaranteed to be faster than poorly-written react or angular. They're no magic pill.
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    @kiki You of all people should understand that the benefit of component frameworks is declarative UI and not just clear module boundaries.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine Historical reasons mainly, the DOM used to suck so bad we generated an intermediary object model (virtual DOM), diffed that and applied only the necessary transformations. This model, the way to build it, and the diff-and-sync module were what mainly set the frameworks apart.

    Later they all diverged on unrelated ideas as well.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine But also the w3c gets hard on making event handling imperative while simultaneously keeping the styles declarative, so we needed a way to sync all that up since by default you both have to retain element instances to preserve event handlers and be aware of the overall structure which the queries are applied to. The solution turned out to be to isolate ourselves from the DOM and focus on structure, and have the middle layer take care of event handler registration.
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    @lorentz the concept of changing the data and making ui rerender to reflect it is dead.
  • 1
    @kiki I see it all over the place, in new apps as well, and it doesn't really hurt UX in any way so I see neither evidence nor reason for this claim. Are you sure it's dead to the rest of the world too and not just you?
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    @lorentz there was a time I've seen Flash everywhere too. The reason is, web doesn't rerender the entire thing on every state change. DOM itself is inherently stateful and isn't made of pure functions.
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    @kiki svelte/solid/preact do targetted update instead of page rerender on state change. Dom manipulation is not fun at all. All react hooks/ signals are stateful but the API is functional. Once I tried declarative UI, I can never go back.
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    @h3rp1d3v good luck lmao

    try lit.dev

    your best bet at saving your job when react goes bust
  • 0
    @kiki Honestly, they (my company) should use lit.dev instead of angular. The whole thing is opp cluster fuck. All UI updates are manually triggered. With lit, they don't have to deal with observable complications LoL 🤣.

    Looked into lit and some repo. Ugly af. Not for me.
  • 0
    For my job, it's impossible to push any small fixes that are not assigned to me. Lit.dev? 🤣 There is no saving.
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