Hello everyone. I'm new to programming and I would love some tips.

I have been told to learn C# and Java as a way to begin programming, what do you think of this?

If you have any better tips please explain it in a way an amateur can understand.

I hope that I explained my situation well.

  • 3
    Mmm IMO a nice first language is python
    And if you want to learn a general purpose lang (C#, Java) I would go with C++ or Rust.

    What industry you want to go? Like web dev or systems or ?
  • 3
    javascript gets you a long way
  • 6
    @heyheni Although a lot of programmers dislike the language, you are very right imo.
  • 5
    I started with c++ which to this day still is my favorite language 😍, be aware it's not an easy one.
    If you want to learn an easy language which can do anything try python.
    JavaScript is a great choice if you want to focus on webdevelopment.
    C# feels to me like an easier c++, but it is a full obect oroiented programming language so there will be some stuff which you might have to "ignore" at first.

    If you can't decide which one to pick just go to random.org XD

    Good luck on your jurney! :)
  • 0
    Thank you everyone for replying to my Post!

    Even tho I self-taught python 3+ for period of time. I keep telling my self to work on other languages to meet my future job requirement, Which they told me to learn C# & Java for IT position...
  • 3
    Dont learn those first, either go low level with c then c++, go web with javascript or start with python
  • 0
    @Artemix you are going to learn it if you learn c++, since the latter minus oop is essentially c
  • 4
    i hate python because of indenting. really easy to make a bug. i would recommend c# . and once you get the hang of it go to c++. mastering that will make you understand why things work the way they do and everything will start to make sense
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