This month is finally over

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    Is it...?
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    @netikras a command line calendar! 😆
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    @Lensflare yupp. Standard in many (if not all) distros. Easier and faster than race with Cinnamon's or Gnome's popup calendar or search for a calendar online.
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    Random fun fact about calendar months:

    The month names do not make sense. Dec means 10, Nov means 9, Oct means 8.

    That's cause there originally was just 10 months (March - December) plus some random days at the end of the year that "weren't part of any month". The Romans just crammed Jan and Feb into the calendar and ruined the naming of the Q4 months.
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    @jiraTicket yep that was Caesar however he fixed the lobbying of arbitrarily extra days and just made the system work for a whole year. We owe him many thanks for that.
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    @hjk101 True. hail Caesar. Allthough always wondered what modern society would do with those random extra days. It could be a great time to relax 😆 or it would bea hectic time since Finance departments somehow would want to get stuff done for weird tax / fiscal year reasons
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    @Lensflare cal -3
    Works like a charm for most planning and fact checking situations.
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    January and February should have been placed at the end then, not the beginning
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    @hjk101 was he the same one that declared it was the same year, for four years straight?

    i.e. Time-freeze Caeser, the best caeser ever?
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