New developers. Tip: There is no silver bullet.

If you like Python, please understand GIL's behavior before making a system that handles thousands of requests.

If you like Java, know that "Write once, run anywhere" is a fallacy. Even application servers don't like the same WAR.

If you like PHP, understand the life cycle of a request before connecting to the database from all corners.

If you like C#, don't make it a small command-line application that will be used on FreeBSD.

If you like C, meet valgrind.

If you like C++, templates are cool, but don't overdo it. And take the opportunity to meet valgrind.

Never use the same tool to do everything. Elect the language and framework for the given need with rationality.

Every time I see a "Java Man", a "C++ Chad" or anything like that, it comes to mind that if he were a carpenter, he would be tightening screws with hammers.

Every lock-in is bad.

  • 1
    I really like Valgrind and C++, too bad I don't use it that much anymore.
  • 4
    I thought in python you just spin off another process? Why would you want each request to be part of a monolithic threaded execution? I dunno, I don't do web.
  • 1
    Templates! Templates everywhere!
  • 4
    Obviously, you want to go all-in Haskell right from the start to be as chad as possible.
  • 1
    Hmm you sound like a man of many languages with a few sound pointers for all.
  • 1
    But, but, but...

    I can do all of that with js!!

    Surely that means js is the best ever, right? Right??!
  • 0
    @CoreFusionX Absolutely no. Hahahaha Eqch thing in your right place. I like everything, but on wrong place like no. I'm working in a project that someone do: Simple browser routines in C++ with WebAssemby and Backend in JavaScript on same project...
  • 0
    @Oktokolo Not. What really me off is someone who dedicates his life to one technology and thinks she solves everything. I really don't like "ugly ducks" like drivers in C++, desktop apps in Java or WebAssebly just to validate a form. In short, I don't like it when they use a customer project as an aboratory to test the newest enthuse.
  • 0
    @codingfreedom My most-loved and most-used non-Browser desktop apps are JetBrains' IntelliJ-based IDEs - they are written in Java and they are pretty darn good. Java may be one of the most boring languages ever invented - but it is a good language for desktop apps.
  • 2
    @CoreFusionX well a nailed-in screw is better than a screwed-in nail
  • 1
    Feel like I must add I was being sarcastic...
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