
Why do I get more focused at coding when I’m going through a breakup ?

  • 5
    How many times have you been that focused?
  • 5
    'cause you're actively trying not to think about it by drowning yourself in work.
  • 1
    Because as opposite of the breakup you know where you’re going with coding (hopefully!)
  • 0
    It was with me also but this time :( he was coder too.. so Kinda avoiding coding too cause it remind me of him ..

    I wanted to take break from the coding.. but cant .. I am full time professional though :( Wish I can leave coding for at least 1 month
  • 0
    @rox79 I feel you but one good thing you can do is try and do things that reminds you of them to kinda take control of your life. I’ve been doing some of that and it’s kinda helping.
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