AWS test error: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied"


* proceeds to spend 2 hours correcting the role and policy for said user *

Alright, let's test!

AWS test error: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied"

fuck you.

i'm not fucking sleeping until this is resolved

  • 5
    go sleep

    Tomorrow when you look into this again you will find the error and it will be so obvious that we will all going to laugh :D

    Tell us when you found out what caused this
  • 0
    Maybe the user has explicitly set the AWS_PROFILE var and is acting as some other user without noticing?
  • 1
    Haha s3 has a trap, where you need to grant the bucket permission and bucket/* permission as well.

    Actually s3 has a lot of quirks related to IAM, like not allowing to authorize based on resource tags, etc.
  • 0
    If you checked all the obvious stuff, check if bucket uses kms
  • 1
    It was nontrivial, even when I was awake and sober... god this AWS shit is truly cryptic. I mean even using pulumi i was fighting the syntax of the language itself, encoding json just to setup the s3 put permission on a bucket?!?! somewhere along the way AWS has gone down the wrong path. You know what i'd like? a standard key value system, idk, take like the little thing called the UNIX PERMISSION SYSTEM, you know the one that is rock solid and has been around since like the 1970s? jeez....
  • 1

    You can do that, but you gotta enable ACLs for the bucket.
  • 0
    So did you figure it out?
    See if ChatGPT has any suggestions 😂
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