Typescript is a PIECE OF SHIT that adds 3 problems for every 1 it solves! Messing with so much shit from its linter and builder just so some OOP fools can code JS like *TAB* *TAB* *TAB* again!

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    You know it's only been sucking hard for seemingly over 20 years now giving fucked up fools more justification in turning back the tech stack they partly demolished even though alot of other things got fixed like gnome Linux steam etc

    And android

    Why is it that they don't supplant JavaScript with something better ?

    I mean it is a SCRIPTING language
    Not a programming language

    You don't say you're a senior level blizzard map editor scripter
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    Just amazes me is all
    Most people probably don't even use 99% of it's features or the Dom for example you'd think they'd minimize like they've been doing with css to replace the clunky old Js libs and modules like jqtable for example
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    You are aware that Android apps run on JVMs, right? As in, Java, not JavaScript.

    And it's being slowly but surely being replaced by kotlin anyway.
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    @CoreFusionX ... Yeah I didn't say anything about Android excepting saying that it's an example of a technology that greatly improved while all the web shit is suck
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    Well, maybe it's the lack of punctuation leading me to read the sentence and meaning wrong

    If that's the case, my apologies.
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    @CoreFusionX hey remember irc ?
    Slaps @corefusuonx with a dead trout
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    @ostream so hey is all this repetition and waste and people walking themselves to death working themselves to death and popping up with new copies and all this idiotic build tear down and rebuild and also in not rebuild things what you people mean by "it is time' because that all seems pretty goddamn retarded

    Why not just hold festivals and create art etc ?

    Why make everything about the same diminishing idiocy?

    I mean you people steal other people's ideas and visions build or make them or just pilfer and alter them and make it about the same gay shit

    Don't you ever feel like Nazis ?
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    You're welcome to write normal JavaScript.

    Enjoy your life.

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    @fullstackclown .....
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    @ostream lol
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    Not saying typings per se are bad. It's this MS bs that's the issue. And it's like @AvatarOfKane said - we tried turning some scripting language to a fully fledged strongly typed Programming language.
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