Love my new job but fuck they are way behind in any kind of modernization.

Just saw a demo over zoom where someone was showing the team how to change the margin on an error page.

They literally changed the HTML directly in prod using the VIM. So first of all no web modernation because there was no build, no deployment, not git, no pipeline - NOTHING!

This project went from 40 people to around 200 in 6 mos. You can't have all these people in prod just making fucking changes.

If this job did not pay 110k a year I would bail.

  • 7
    They are lucky to have hired you. You will show em the magic of modern version control.
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    110k? What currency!?
  • 0
    How many more requirements are their really anymore do you think ? How many undiscovered countries ?
  • 0
    @red-knot US dollars. I live in a pretty cheap state.
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    @katbreitin Like @Oktokolo said, That's your chance to shine. If you find the right ppl and aproach you can transform this company to a much better place to work.
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    Well you obviously can :P

    Is it a good idea, no.

    Is it safe, no.

    Is it efficient, no.

    But apart from speed, a human can always to everything a computer can but often not as fast :)
  • 0
    @Voxera I very much doubt that. Applications remain the same so long as core industries and information tools and what they find remain the same. The emergence of shelf tools eliminate custom jobs and are cheaper. Also you can only improve things so much.

    And tell me I didn't say this before.
  • 0
    I think people should start taking advice and return this time period to one which is just consistently happy for him.
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