I'm a workaholic.
My boss literally told me I've only used 1 PTO day this year and with only 2 weeks left I HAVE to take at least the rest of this week off.

Guess... I'm getting a really long weekend, took tomorrow thru Friday off, Monday and Tuesday are holiday, so only 3 days left of the year after 5 today.

Not taking the last 3 days next week because I don't trust my one co-worker to do end of month/year procedures without me there to verify they didn't fuck up anything.

Now I just have to get through that time stressing about things I'm responsible for breaking while I'm not there.

  • 1
    'I could be programming rn'
  • 4
    Just enjoy of the rest of the year and ask your colleague to stop working

    We don't get bosses like yours. Cherish that feeling and give your body the respect and rest it duly deserves
  • 1
    if you’re a “workalcoholic” like me, it “helps” to carry on hehehe

    Jokes aside, I also find a lot of happiness and motivation on work environment as well.
  • 2
    i took 11 leaves this month. i still have 7 leaves left. we get 24 leaves a year
  • 0
    Honestly, it's partly your boss fault.

    My manager already reminded everyone on the team to book the remaining holidays 2 months ago. Nobody in my team have surprise remaining holidays that have not yet been booked or taken.
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