
Does anyone every get JOB from Linkedin ??

I am continuously applying from last 1-2 month and I just got.. Thanks for your interest but we are not moving with your application. No Matter if it is basic skill level Job or higher one? I wonder if I am the only one facing this

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    I got my job through Linked in do I would say yes :)

    On the other hand I have tot really been applying, its the other way around, recruiters keeps sending me offers, probably due to 30+ years of experience.

    But have you made sure to include all experiences in your profile?
  • 5
    I wouldn't expect much from Linkedin.

    Just a facebook but for 'professionals' all fake and ass-kissing posts.

    I see pictures of chocolate gifts with captions like 'the boss cares so much for us... Big love for the company'

    Sorry, no he doesn't care. It is a cheap gift to keep people from asking a raise.

    Give a peanut to a monkey and the monkey will be happy...
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    @Grumm Same thinking
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    @rox79 But I see a lot of open positions and you can see how many have submitted for the job already. And sometimes I see the job for month in the list with 20+ candidates...

    You really need more than a month to interview a few people ?
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    @Grumm Well I am in this field from 6 month and Linkedin never helped me to get a job. . always resume/CV rejected
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    Personally, I've never landed a job from LinkedIn, I've always gone direct.
    LinkedIn is good if you want to be on a recruiters mass mail and get lucky.

    @Grumm nope, I've had jobs listed before that were up for several weeks, there's a lot of under experienced or completely off point applicants that most of them feel like "apply for everything and anything and see what sticks" rather then actually applying for positions they are aligned with from a CV standpoint.
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    Every job for the past 5 years.

    I never make posts there - I’m not active, but the key is the connections you have. Make them. I’m not only talking about the recruiters. Invite lead engineers, CTOs, CEOs of companies you like or appreciate, go the tech events.

    That is the way.
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    I do not look for a new job actively - I only occasionaly respond to headhunters' messages. And yes, I had passed all their interviews with a positive outcome several times. Meaning I could've easily gotten those positions had I wanted to.
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    Yeah but they always get to me, no need to apply
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    @yukiinothekid honesyly I dont think so yahoo is much in use 🙄
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    @rox79 Got it! Will follow-up with you over email
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    I’ve only gotten jobs via referral and via indeed. Never linked in.
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