
After 4 months of remote working I can honestly say the biggest downside is that weed is really really expensive, even if you grow it.

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    It depends where u live ... where I live I buy for 50 rupees (72 cents USD) and I have enough to last me 15-20 days. I dont smoke that much though.
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    @Sid2006 in Italy, 1 gram of weed costs about 15-20 euros and I smoke about 2 per day lmao
    Growing is cheaper, but elettricity costs have skyrocketed, so it's still a major expense

    And yes you can find it way cheaper, for even 2€/g, but it's dirt
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    @Manuch It shouldn't use that much electricity. You know you can use LED lamps, right?
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    @cprn I'm using a 100W led right now, it's barely enough to get small humble flowers and it's still expensive af to run
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    @Manuch This is weird. I'm getting 2 crazy bushes with just one 20W LED bulb working 12/7 in an aluminum foil shroud. Seedlings placed on a plastic mesh, roots dangling, sprayed with fertilizer water for 0.2s every 20m (air grow). 🤷‍♂️
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    @cprn you're joking with me
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    @Manuch Nope, I just checked the settings to not bs you. It started as my ex gf's project and I automated it for fun after we split. Maybe it's the specie? I know nothing about weed, I do it for fun but I sell it to my sexy neighbour and she's very happy with it.
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    @cprn I need to know more about your setup, I'm planning to slowly automate it completely, this is the first time for me growing indoor
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    lol downside rhymes with suicide 🤩

    (sorry that's the first thing that came to my mind)
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    @ostream nope it's not, about the same price from a german vendor on the dark net I trust, very high quality product, but the same price with 5€ extra for shipping
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    @ostream it's very positive and good what they done in Spain, I've been to Ibiza and enjoyed a couple of cannabis clubs very much.
    The situation in Italy only gets me mad, mafia controls everything and they are putting up more and more laws to empower themself. They won't permit marijuana legalization because it's a huge deal for them and stop any attempt. A crown-funded group proposed a new law via a referendum this year, to legalize it, but they didn't even let us, citizens, vote. They decided we didn't even have the right to say yes or no, it's a firm NO from the criminals.
    Mafia controls Italy, now more than ever, that's the reason why it'll never be legal, they make money from it.
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    @ostream true!
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    Don’t do drugs kids!
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