ni'o lei temci cu flecu pe'a .i la .varik. cu jdika le ka lo nu ce'u fanva fi le glibau fo la .lojban. cu zmadu lo nu ce'u glibau ciska je ba'e nai cu fanva fo la .lojban. kei le ka ce'u xi re frili ce'u
.i le su'o prenu cu xusra ko'a goi le du'u to'e frili fa lo nu jimpe fi lo selci'a be la .varik. be'o poi xe fanva fo la .lojban. .i ku'i la .varik. cu toltu'i fi ko'a

Time "flows". The extent of that (the extent of that (VARIK finds that translating from Lojban and to English is easy) is greater than the extent of that (VARIK finds that writing English stuff and not translating is easy)) increases.
Some prenu assert that difficult is that reads VARIK's writing which is translated from Lojban and to English. But VARIK disagrees.

  • 3
    Just in case... Your mom! 😂
  • 2
    If you want a working language just pick one of the big ones. Obviously, Chinese, Hindi, English, Russian or Spanish do work reasonably fine and are well-tested and maintained. Sure they got some hard to iron-out design bugs (like the whole gender fuckup) - but they do work and are in daily use by hundreds of millions.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo: .i la .varik. cu tolnei le gerna je zo'e

    VARIK dislikes the grammars and whatnot {N}.
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