My dev superpower would be the power to magically refill anything.
Out of hot coffee? Refill your thermos!
Bank account running low? Refill with money!
Battery empty? Refill with charge!
Going bald like me? Refill your head with hair!
Bed empty? Refill with beautiful women!
Clients / managers annoying you? Refill their bladders!
The possibilites are limitless!

  • 23
    To "refill" your bed with beautiful women you first need to get one there. 😈
  • 6
    best superpower ever
  • 5
    All hail the master refiller
  • 1
    @SPA-NL do you drink Spa a lot or do you just like it that much? :')
  • 2
    @Jappe years back I needed a new Gaming Name that was less childish and not overused. I looked around my desk and guess what I saw... :)
  • 0
    @SPA-NL haha nice :')
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