This is adorable

The packages name is oneko, you can even set colours or speed, or make it an... Anime girl?
Whatever suits you best, I guess

Almost forgot, it's an actual animated cat that's running after the mouse

  • 2
    great! Looks like a rabbit tho
  • 1
    @tahnik well, this is a picture, looks better animated
    if you've got Linux, install it, if you don't, install Linux first
    Just try it :D
  • 1
    Thanks, now I have a dog running across my screen. No regrets.
  • 0
    @runfrodorun I Sadly don't know too much about Japanese anymore, might actually try learning it in the future
    It's hiragana, right?
  • 0
    @dotdeb yes, spread it further! :D
  • 0
    I just read my own comment and thought of something Completely unrelated and, uhm, unappropriate
    edit: not sure if I should delete this comment
  • 1
    A good old neko I still had the original windows version of 98 even tho I'm born in 97 xD
  • 2
    It's running after the cursor, not mouse... SCNR
  • 0
    @inpothet there's a windows version? :D

    @Huuugo well after the initial start of the command your cursor is a mouse, after you drag a window it become a normal cursor again, which I prefer, because I actually let this kitty run all the time ;)

    @runfrodorun you know chinese as well?
    For now, I'm stuck at 2 languages (counting Swiss German as German, not counting programming languages)
  • 1
    Here's a Windows version, C++ source provided too:

  • 0
    @nokkur oh thank you, this is so getting run on pcs that are left alone unlocked (and of course mine because I'm loving it) :D

    It even stay asleep on the blanket and you can leave it there, so awesome :D
  • 3
    @runfrodorun Time to be "that guy" *cough*

    It's technically お猫 and the other is 日本語

    @aile11 He meant Chinese characters, Japanese uses 4 writing systems,
    romaji which is japanese in roman letters,
    hiragana which contains 46 basic characters,
    katakana which is very similar to hiragana but used for foreign words, and
    kanji which are the Chinese characters used in Japanese. When you graduate from school in Japan you are required to know over 2000 kanji, all of which have at least 2 different ways to pronounce
  • 0
    @DirtyBit that's just about what I know about Japanese, it's insane
  • 3
    @aile11 Still better than Malbolge
  • 1
    @aile11 I run a 64bit Version let me upload it to my cloud and get you an link
  • 0
    @inpothet is it worth it getting this little kitty up to 64 bit? XD
  • 1
    @aile11 also you don't need to compile it
  • 1
    @inpothet never did that, so if I had to I would need to learn it first
  • 1
  • 0
    @inpothet superglobalmegacorp? :D

    And Wtf is this, why is this the way it is?

    Github kitty from above runs on top of all Windows, and it has a blanket to sleep on

    But you're Version is more like oneko in Linux, and it has quite a few options
  • 1
    @aile11 my version is basically the original neko98 but recompiled in 64bit
  • 1
    @inpothet I have cats on my pcs, that's the important thing :D
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