
Stranger: "what are you doing?"
Me:"I'm developing a WPF app for a personal project"
Stranger:"So it's for Windows...I prefer Linux because...blah blah"
Me: -.-

Sometimes I feel like Linux users are the Vegans of the tech world...

  • 14
    I personally prefer using Linux but hardly ever use it anymore, I'm a .net dev, I love c# and it's hard to move away from visual studio even if it is massive and slow at times. It's a bit like a bad dog, it frustrates you but you still love it.
  • 1
    @Alice it depends, but statistically speaking maybe you are more accurate
  • 26
    Solid rant, I'm wondering though, why is it usually okay to say rant about Linux user's in these cases but not about windows users? I made at least one reverse rant (so like switch Linux and windows) and that got downvoted veeeeery fast while I see these kinda rants often being upvoted.

    Okay, sorry for disturbing your rant, still solid rant mate 😅
  • 5
    "vegans of tech world"
    damm that was harah
  • 6
    A vegan Linux user would be the end of us
  • 3
    @linuxxx shut up we all know you have debian on your coffee machine
  • 5
    @RazorSh4rk Idk what runs on that thing, it's not a fancy one 😅
  • 3
    @linuxxx I didn't see that rant you mention, but I'd assume that it's all in the phrasing. I enjoy both windows-bashing-linux and linux-bashing-windows rants, but only those who has a solid, well-justified motive
  • 8
    @apex Removed it because of all the hate i got haha
  • 1
    @sulemartin87 naah, they use Macs
    And I have proofs 😎
  • 0
    @Jop- he never said that he's developing UWP apps
  • 2
    That's pretty covfefe dude 😂
  • 1
    i think its more closely related to apple vs. android; there are a lot of benefits to linux that make it more developer friendly, and less painful to do anything on in general
  • 1
    What did vegans do to deserve all these?
  • 4
    @sulemartin87 I am a vegan Linux user. 🙂
  • 2
    @Yawks too many of them are vegan just because it is trending and cool or are worse than JWs 😅
  • 6
    The difference is we're right and vegans are wrong
  • 4
    @daarkfall and I'm the jerk in the middle as always
    (I'm vegetarian)
  • 0
    The truth ia windows is the best for daily usage and normal users and linux is the best for some developers and servers
  • 6
    Windows is the McDonald's of the tech world. Nobody should consume it and it has almost no nutritional value but we still use it cause it seemed like a good idea years ago and now it's penetrated the global market.
  • 2
    I think in IT everybody is the "Vegan of something" because we are all full of shit and think our stuff is A+ and everything else just BS. I try to be not that anymore since a couple of years but being good with tech makes one apparently pretty arrogant. Sad truth
  • 4
    @Yawks Just wondering if you actually are? No offense or anything :)
  • 4
    @MrOplus It IS not. Purely subjective :).
  • 3
    Linux is gluten free.
  • 2
    3dmax, maya, photoshop and so many other products are not available on linux thats what i mean guys
  • 0
    @sulemartin87 a vegan Linux user: worst cunt ever.
  • 1
    @linuxxx just be happy it isn't Win10 or you won't be able to choose when you want your coffee ;D
  • 1
    Why does this post remind me of Scott Pilgrim against the world?
    Ben 24 is Scott
    The stranger is the vegan
    And I'm the lesbian who dies orgasming
  • 1
    @RodrigoF I wouldn't really mind dying like that 😅
  • 0
    @Jop- maybe because it's faster and easier for him and he doesn't need it to be cross-platform?
  • 0
    @Jop- maybe it is for him. Also EPF takes a different approach for SOC than JavaFX or Qt do
  • 1
    Windows is the regaeton of the Os
  • 0
    Hey hey, give me this medal.
  • 0
  • 2
    Vegans who prefer windows must be getting mixed feelings 😂
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