
⚡️ breathing mode switched to manual
⚡️ your lower jaw has weight now

  • 5
    Your pants / shirt are touching your skin
    Your eyelids have weight now
    Your upper body is hanging on your spine all around and your skull is balanced on top by the gyro action of your neck muscles like a ball on a dolphin's nose.
  • 4
    You're aware of your tongue now.

    You can see your nose now too.
  • 5
    I’m stabbing you.
  • 4
    When you chew you will notice your tongue darts into between chews and pushes the food back in place. The timing of this is milliseconds from biting your tongue.
  • 2
    @root's dagger made you aroused
  • 2
    Love you all
  • 0
    All doesn't work for me
  • 2
    @kiki how about you notice you always see your nose
    And your tongue is inside your mouth and not in the most comfortable position
    You like manual breathing? How about manual blinking too?
  • 0
    @Probabil you're weak.
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