
iOS corner curves. I was thinking about how to make them on the web for a while now. This night, I saw a nightmare about a dog that drowned. In that dream, it was me who was responsible. I woke up in the middle of the night, and I knew exactly how to make those curves.

I _told_ you they will be mine, two hours ago. I made it. Thank you Shányushka the dog that never existed. Rest in peace.

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    This is how HTML looks. No fuckery is required. You don't have to paste some shit into every element to make those curves work. No JS is involved here too.
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    the difference if you still don't get it
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    You mean abs(x)^4.5 + abs(y)^4.5 = 1
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    I can't decide if I love it or hate it.
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    @kiki I still see no difference...
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    @netikras don’t worry :) not everyone is as obsessed as me, and that’s a good thing
    (no offense, no irony, no sarcasm)
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    @kiki how's it different from border-radius? 😁
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    @netikras the shape is slightly different
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    @netikras in border-radius, you can clearly see where the straight line ends and the rounding begins. Not the case with squircle
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    Maybe I’m being obsessed or nitpicky here, but I dislike the pointier corners on the squircles. (I also dislike the sudden curve on border-radius, and always have.)
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    @Root they're not _that_ pointy. devRant compression lies

    but I agree, they're somewhat pointy

    however, I hate standard border radius curvature jump so much that I'm willing to accept those pointy squircles
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    @kiki Likewise. It’s just a tiny bit more pointy than I’m comfortable seeing. But it’s better than flat -> sudden curve
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    Oh this is really nice! Great job! Any chance you care to share? :)
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    @ScriptCoded thank you :)
    It’s made for my product. My own thing I’m working on. You can steal it when I ship it 😄
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