
Time sheets. I'm not a fan of our task management system, you don't check out jobs or tasks like moving cards on a kanban board, it's more of a loose, calendar-based setup. We're also in a small, open office so it can be difficult to remember to log things in the software when you could tell the person opposite you that their task is finished. On top of that a lot of the time it takes me longer than the scheduled time to get a job finished as I'm learning a lot of new stuff, so digitally documenting things like that worry me a little. I don't want to look like I can't hack it just because a job takes me longer than my much-more-experienced colleagues.
I should note that I understand it's all incredibly useful data to the company, but I hate doing it and it's very easy to forget or ignore.

  • 3
    I hate doing it too. And I disagree this is incredibly useful data for the company. If it's so important they should invest in automation that makes it easy and accurate instead of replying on people making estimates and adding additional mental blocks
  • 0
    @iceb I should clarify, the specific hours we have worked is only really useful for payroll. The actual important stuff they get out of it is how much time we've spent on a job or client for billing purposes, as we're an agency, or how much time should be allocated to similar tasks in the future by the PMs. That being said, an automated tracker could be much more useful.
  • 2
    @iceb Believe me man, you don't want AI to monitor you while you work so it can tell management how long it will take you to finish the task without bathroom breaks and pausing to think or chat with a collegue
  • 0
    @Drunkzee true. we suck lol
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