
Imagine writing a programming blog and consciously choosing Medium when Dev.to exists.

  • 8
    Imaging thinking medium or dev.to have anything of substance aneyay.
  • 4
    Neither give 100% great content and neither can be trusted to give unpaid opinions.

    Half the shit on medium is just a fluff piece the other is garbage. A small 1-3% is just "ok".

    Dev.to is a circle-jerk on the best new trends as long as they're JavaScript or some new cutting edge technology that no enterprise is seriously looking at right now.
  • 3
    Imagine taking dev.to seriously when the most recommended article is literary a clickbait pile of random useless cli tools that at best only marginally improve the standard tools available on every Linux machine.
  • 0
    Seems it's the author's not the platform. However both platforms have a similar business model attracting and awarding a certain type of author. It's far from all bad in my opinion less so then most of today's journalism and can find some good core stuff hidden in the fluff. It is hard to write good pieces for everyone.

    We meet a lot of bullshit artists in real life. They are the ones that go for the visibility so I would hazard a guess that these bs artists also write on these platforms to convince people they are hot shit.
  • 0
    guys i'm talking about the software. not the authors. Medium sucks for readers.
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