I'm studying Software Engineering. Fuck me, right?

Next week I have 3 exams, and I have to deliver the implementation of a Red&Black Tree and a AVL Tree (+ GUI in Swing) by Wednesday. Oh, and also, 5 small systems in C.

I don't know how the FUCK will I survive, but I will.

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    Nobody uses Swing anymore. I had to use it 10 years ago and it made me hate Java for many years.

    Who the fuck is having you use Swing?
    It's been legacy for a long time...
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    How much is your ram ?
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    @Neotelos uni isn't meant to teach you how to use the latest technology (I.e. Become a code monkey). They want to teach you how to be an engineer (with all that it implies), and so using nonlegacy software is not at all necessary, especially if the legacy software has some issues that they want you to try to figure out by yourself (not saying this is the case with swing but you get my point)
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    I'm at uni, we use javafx .. I can only imagine your pain
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    Same thing here, we also needed to use Swing last semester. This semester they want everything with a server / client
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    Same here... We will survive.
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    Fucking swing! We had to use that shit too, just becauseโ€‹ the professor was too lazy to update the slides to javafx (he told us this himself).
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    @disolved ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ that sucks.
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    Have to right 5 exams on 3 consecutive days.

    Know that feeling bruh...
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    Don't know what's wrong with me today ๐Ÿ˜‚
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    @lautataropaske see my second lasted rant and try it, will work, 10/10
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    I wish nobody would use Swing anymore. My company does... ๐Ÿ˜’ Thank god my job is 95% back-end related!
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    @Neotelos that's true, but
    Jetbrains still uses it
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    I was taught swing at Universityโ€‹ too, now I use javafx and plan on never touching swing again.

    May I ask, how long have you know of the assignments?
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    @jpichardo 2 weeks, not much considering the time load my other subjects require
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    @AngryDev argue whatever you like, but that doesn't change the fact that Swing is mostly a waste of time and the same concepts can be taught more effectively with other tools.

    How the fuck are people ok with paying thousands of dollars on a class that's going to spend weeks (likely MUCH longer) on Swing? Swing is garbage, stop letting the laziness of curriculum dictate how to spend your time.
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    @Neotelos again, not saying necessarily this is the case with swing in particular, but let's see.

    Why is swing garbage? What would you like to see it replaced with that teaches the same concepts?
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    @AngryDev for starters, how about its successor, JavaFX.
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    @Neotelos I haven't used JavaFX at all, so you'll have to enlighten me on what makes it so much better
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    @AngryDev for starters the use of fxml instead of having to write java code, using the scenebuilder tool instead of the common swing ui d&d tools, which add a lot of boilerplate code, the use of css.
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