
What I hate the most about my job?
Wrongly estimate the time required to do things…

Sometimes is good, I think it will take 3 days and I'm done in 1, but other times it's not!
e.g. today I estimated an easy implementation would took 5 minutes and it took 5 hours instead… fml

  • 3
    Estimations are always a guess work
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    I am to the point of minimum 1 day. Then when it takes half a day people are elated.
  • 4
    @Demolishun I'm at half a day. Even if it's juste a letetr to change in a translation

    Add to that :

    Create branch,

    Do the change

    Lunch server(s). (Up to 5 minutes for some changes, just to start debug session)

    Check your change

    Create a pull request

    Add QA Criticity

    Add people to review pull requests

    Add auto completion rtules

    Move the devops card where it should go

    Adjust remaning time (0) on the card.

    Optional, 45 minutes later get a email from devops saying unit tests failed. Check them. See that someone used "real" translation instead of translation key.
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    @NoToJavaScript do you mean lunch? I mean if you don't, that should be factored in as well!
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    I hate estimates with a passion. No point in estimating tasks that must be done no matter how long they take. Just create a bucket of important tasks and less important tasks.

    Unless you're a consultant with a client who has to see what's in the sprint, or have very few release slots per year.
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    Anyone else include r&d, qa, and feedback changes in estimates?
  • 2
    What do I hate most about my job? Mainly people who estimate time wrong.
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    @spongessuck Seems impossible to estimate feedback in advance.
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    @jiraTicket We usually bump it up a step if we're doing UI changes that marketing will need to approve.
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    @spongessuck Oh, I see. So feedback from another department. I was thinking user feedback.

    In that case yes: totally. I would bump anything that has to be okayed by other departments as it often takes some time to explain even if they normally just ok it.
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    estimate = your personal best estimate X 2(or 3)
  • 2
    Here’s how I do estimates fr:

    How long I think it’s going to take:
    Half an hour of my favorite show
    An hour to google random shit
    How incompetent my manager is from a scale of 1-5
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    Well, story points try to minimize errors in estimations by 1) estimating complexity instead of time and 2) estimating a ticket with the entire team instead of a single dev.

    "But how long does it take?" If a team usually commits and delivers X story points per sprint, the ticket should be done by the end of the sprint.

    (Now try to explain that to upper management :P)
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