
When i was fired in a few minutes in my first meeting with the boss since i was working there.
but now im glad im out of there. The kpis they use to see how someone performs are utterly useless.

  • 0
    Why did they fire you, did you drop production or something?
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    @ElectroArchiver not enough tickets from customers were taken by me. Plus i took too much time for fixing a problem related to an external developed application and the firewall that dropped packets.
  • 1
    I wonder whether anyone knows some non-useless actually measurable kpis for developers. Also please tell me how to compute whether code actually terminates in the general case.
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    There is one... Useless for us, but definitely useful for suits...

    How much more unneeded money are you lining my pockets with?
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    @Oktokolo "Also please tell me how to compute whether code actually terminates in the general case."

    lol, I get that reference.
  • 0
    It is extremely interesting that the first meeting with the boss is also the last. I'd be glad not to have to deal with mine and keep mine safe.
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