
"Grub installation failed would you like to try again or continue without a bootloader?"

I was like well why in the burning hell would you even touch the bootloader on a completely different drive then you are installed on.

Boy, never was I so wrong...

That motherfucker deleted the windows bootloader and I've tried everything to get it back. Even tried to restore the whole frickin boatloader from scratch, with no success.

Best I could do was to make a pendrive with the bootloader on so I can boot up that shit. Four days have passed and still no luck in fixing it.

Well I guess I will call this a security feuture. If you don't insert the correct thumb drive you couldn't access the computer.

  • 0
    Oooooohhh boy does this bring back memories... Use hirens dvd if you have one. This is how I usually fix bootloader issues with. That or use a Windows DVD , boot into repair mode, let it search for your installation, select the windows version you want it to repair and it will rebuild your bootloader automatically.
  • 0
    Already tried that... Tells me its repaired although nothing happens.
  • 0
    Did you use bootsect? Or it's GUI counterpart dual-boot repair tool for Windows?
  • 0

    Tried both. :/
  • 0
    Well that is odd...🤔
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