I don’t know if this job application question was to troll the applicant or the HR was being serious:

  • 5
    Ride. (Not like that).
  • 2
    Would worry about the legality of the whole thing and escape the situation asap.
  • 16
    I would paint "recruiting process" on it and bring it to my first meeting - so i can literally point out the elephant in the room...
  • 1
    @Oktokolo Perhaps that is the correct answer then? *address and solve it*
  • 4
    They didn't say anything about renting it...

    I would rent the elephant to some zoo for like 5$ a month.
  • 3
    @netikras It surely isn't the answer that gets you the job. But it definitely is the correct answer if you are an actual developer applying for a developer position.

    The purpose of the question probably is to assess your creative problem solving skills and/or general attitude towards stupid orders that make no sense (including red tape). But i highly doubt that even an experienced psychologist can correctly derive anything useful from the answers of an otherwise unknown person. That sort of questions is basically useless and mostly they get copied from books of authors which's sole means of income is to write useless books and sell em to stupid people... So might as well answer whatever you want and keep on searching.
  • 3
    How does elephant meat taste like?
  • 1
    I don't know what I would do about the elephant, but I would hide my peanut butter for sure!
  • 1
    @Oktokolo Or maybe it is some kind of anti-spam filter ?

    Any real person will respond with something related to the elephant. Bots aren't that clever.

    (But maybe now with ChatGPT bots may understand this type of questions in the future)
  • 3
    Call a butcher and fire up the grill. What would you do?
  • 1
    Place a job ad and then ask to potential employees what they would do… 😇
  • 1
    After reading her Twitter I would prefer an elephant above her. Damn
  • 1
    @TheCommoner282 Or just call any animal-rights organisation and sue the hell out of the one who imported that elephant and give it to you.
  • 2
    Gonna ask ChatGpt
  • 2
    There’s one correct answer: take Rome
  • 1
    Warning! This company test on animals.
  • 0
    @codingfreedom How did you find this out? It's terrible, let's sue them.
  • 0
    That was interesting
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