
In the US, 40% of unsheltered homeless people are employed, either part-time or full-time. “JuSt fInD a jOb” mindset is wrong.

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    of sheltered homeless, employed percentage is even higher — 53%
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    I had heard years ago people will get a bus pass and just ride and sleep on the bus all night in NYC.
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    the american dream...
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    @tosensei the US has played itself so hard with this notion. Especially when the myth arose in the 80s and 90s that those who achieved homeownership and stability did so without government help. I don’t know of anywhere else then government just lied about how much they used to help with housing just and then just used that lie to stop helping.
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    I'm right wing, which I don't typically announce, because as soon as you associate yourself with a side, people assume far-[side]

    But I like a lot of policy from the left, too.

    I think if you're gonna cause harmful levels of inflation, you need to raise the minimum wage.

    Any person who works 40 hours a week deserves a house, food, health care, and savings.

    People say that jobs like McDonald's don't matter, but we had a fucking aneurysm when Twinkies almost went out of business. Imagine if everyone working for your guilty pleasure fast food chain suddenly quit.

    Either increase the value of my money again, or give me more. You can't have your cake and eat it too, money printing cunts.
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    I also don't understand why the right doesn't like the idea of increasing the minimum wage. Republicans just larping as libertarians again smh.
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    @AlgoRythm everything you said questions personal responsibility and aligns with the left, and I like it, because I’m left wing. If you’re really right wing, so far you’re the smartest right wing person I’ve ever met.
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    @AlgoRythm "Any person who works 40 hours a week deserves a house, food, health care, and savings."

    i'd like to abbreviate that to "Any person deserves a place to live, food, health care".

    sure, some might call that "evil, evil socialism", but i just call it "basic human rights"
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    I concur, however, I find that, at least in Spain, there's a no effort culture slowly spreading.

    Youngsters these days believe "having the right to a house" means they deserve a 200 sqm attic in the city center all for themselves for free, and having the right for food means they should be able to eat lobster every day, again, for free.

    They unbelievably blur the line between basic needs and luxury.
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    @AlgoRythm It is probably more about them being opportunistic assholes than being right or left winged to be fair.

    They don't actually have any values whatsoever.
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    @AlgoRythm I have some strong questions about right wing philosophy, but I also have some questions about left wing philosophy.

    However I can say without a doubt, I’m not even sure which side Republicans fall on if you really look at action versus words. It’s a weird mix of ancap and Stalin-level state control by their actions. However I’m confident in saying Republican-ism as it exists today in the USA a contrarian death cult.
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    @bigmonsterlover because coercion. US is rich, but the distribution of wealth is very unequal
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