
This little dude was the only reason I wanted to learn Go.

Everytime I feel like I regret this decision I just look at his dumb little teeth and I open VSCode again...

  • 7
    What about this one?
  • 3
    @lorentz TIL Rust has a crustacean mascot, henceforth I'll be adding Rust to my list of stuff to learn later
  • 14
    @wasabi another contestant
  • 5
    @lorentz I don't want to offend anyone but Richard Stallman should stick to CLI
  • 2
    @wasabi Yeah I posted this for the lulz, C++ deserves critique but the only problems it doesn't share with C are those which C isn't expressive enough to even approach.
  • 2
    Weird. This mascot is one of the reasons I don’t want to touch Go 😆
  • 2
    @Lensflare you don't trust blue cartoon animals?

    Never would have guessed that a mascot for some technology would hold so much sway. Both the pull toward it and the aversion amaze me.
  • 1
    @lorentz that is the greatest thing I’ve read all day 😂
  • 2
    Why do you regret learning Go?
  • 2
    @hjk101 it’s just a minor reason out of many others. Not enough to make up a choice alone.

    It looks creepy and ugly and I get a feeling of slight disgust when looking at it. I can’t help it :)
  • 1
    @Lensflare but look at his lil teeth he looks so polite
  • 0
    @sparklingwater It wasn't that serious, I don't regret learning go I just have some difficulties understanding some semantic decisions they made when designing it.
  • 1
    can't say no to a cup of java aswell
  • 1
    @joewilliams007 I would have agreed 3 years ago but since my doctor said I should stop drinking coffee because of my heart issues...

    Also my only experience in Java was with Android Studio so I have PTSD to treat first.
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    @NeatNerdPrime I tried once and it didn't go well (mostly because of the context I needed to)
  • 0
    @wasabi yea android studio creates angry but ...
  • 3
    Unofficial JS mascot
  • 1
    Hah, agree

    I'm surprised many new frameworks/services/dev products lack an animal mascot.

    Just given the amount of stickers people are willing to put on their laptop - it should be a given that you'd want a fun mascot.

    A framework like Astro with just the letter "A" with a 🔥 is probably not getting as much sticker coverage as an animal. Even tools like SiteSpeed have animal mascots and I see their stickers everywhere despite most people just using it as a dashboard they look at once per month
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