
when you have to do this because the code looks correct but you're not sure what the heck is wrong because it doesn't make sense

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    @matutter4 yes but I have not tried it with JavaScript. I'm sure Chrome's developer tools should have the tools for step debugging but I have not checked.
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    @matutter4 amazing :D haha. I will try it... :3
  • 2
    @prodoxx just add:
    where you want to stop the execution... pretty simple :)
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    Angular, there's your problem.
  • 3
    and I thought I would be the only one doing this :D
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    You reminded me of the worst times of my life.
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    screenshots save lives
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    You had hand coded each number? With your code as normal you could have done a find replace each newline with newline console.log("log"+i++); newline.
    Then once you've find its easy to remove =)

    Do this all the time with sublime. End. Shift+right arrow. Alt+f3. Stuff return.
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    @ManWithNoName wow, plenty of love for Angular here...
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    I can tell you one thing you're doing wrong.. $rootScope.
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    @mclark1129 I think this code ..well most of it was written one or two years ago... :p I've been refactoring the whole project for a while now.
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