
Had to go into an old outlook inbox to check something. The ad aside was bothering me so I went into the dev tools to remove the entire section.
The site crashed before I could do anything with the devtools.
I reloaded and tried two more times. Same results.

How is it doing that? Detecting the devtools are opened I mean. I hope this doesn't become standard practice.

  • 0
    Is it detecting a file being opened and busy or something? That happens with a lot of programs.
  • 1
    @Demolishun I'm not talking about a desktop program, I'm talking about outlook's web client. The one you go to when you log into outlook.live.com
  • 1
    Hmm interesting. Maybe they detect a very quick jump in window size or something. Or maybe it's a honest bug
  • 0
    Which browser do you use to open outlook?
  • 0
    what ads ?

    I have none. Just tested 2 personal accounts and 1 professional.

    Also opening devtools doesn't crash anything **on my machine**
  • 0
    It's brave. I'm planning to switch to firedragon after I format this laptop.
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