Ever feel like a long walk between a series of cabins in the blistering cold?

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    Sounds like a regular old winter holiday. Except on skis instead of walking.
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    @100110111 so are people ever going to move on?
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    @100110111 need those tiktok trips back
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    @AvatarOfKaine I already regret ever commenting on this. Lost me there.
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    @100110111 what is the world like where you are right now?
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    @100110111 and what was it originally like ?
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    @100110111 see I remember a time period like this. But I also remember multiple light filled time periods

    And a time period of wild abandon masking apparently something pretty fucked up
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    @100110111 just today remembered this.


    went here and did this

    Don't know how
    But that's just the way of things

    Here's what I don't understand

    You create a lot of happy and beautiful things either directly or indirectly and what these bastards choose is unhappiness treachery darkness and being as descriptive as possible disgusting laughably stupid replacements for the real world giving them the appearance of gross subhuman inbred mongrels.

    In the long run they benefit nothing
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    @100110111 yeah but that's like every AoK thread. It starts out as one normal thing, and you decide "eh maybe it'll be ok to comment on" and then all the follow up immediately becomes "everyone is constantly raping me" or some variation.

    Welcome to Kaine threads. Love em or hate em.
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    @100110111 sometimes he gets some things right. Like how the world has an overabundance of osychopaths.

    And then he'll go one bender about gangstalking and his desire to murder the bad people.

    Insanity, my favorite kind.
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