Js on the frontend is bad enough, who the fuck came up with the idea to use it on the backend?

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    I 💚 NodeJS
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    cheap devs

    async goes brrrrrr

    ez SSR for that sweet SEO
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    Ryan dahl.
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    Well, I like it - as the name suggests. :-)

    As a language JS is not that bad. With a zillion frameworks, package managers and multilayered dependencies, well ... you know where that goes.

    Besides, be lucky you're not in the parallel universe where <script language="VBScript"> won over <script language="JavaScript"> - or C or fortran - yuck!
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    I rarely do backend but give me Node over a PHP haystack any day - even then, the language is rarely the issue with a shonky codebase, just a convenient distraction from shitty code.
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    I can't imagine dealing with the "organic" bullshit of truthiness, variable hosting, and callback hell, barely getting shot to work on a browser, then thinking "if only my server had the same problems!"

    No one would reinvent JavaScript. It's only liked because it's supported everywhere.
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    Except that SSG is really needed everywhere but dashboards.
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    @MM83 but that is basically comparing different types of shit.
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    @thebiochemic right. If you're inheriting a codebase, it's likely going to be a flavour of shit.
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    @MM83 PHP would be preferable to be. Even though there are some really nice concepts in JS and all of the languages that are around longer get much underserved flak because of past mistakes.
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    @hjk101 all languages are great, all languages are shit. I don't really mind any off the bat, the problems arise when someone has written anything in any of them. JS and PHP encourage different types of technical debt, but both are fine provided nobody writes anything in them.
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