

Can anyone relate to the fact that before you disturb your co-worker with an issue you should ATLEAST try fucking google?
Not to mention the documentation, stackoverflow, msdn, forums. Hell, once, I found the answer I needed on a freaking bakery forum.

  • 2
    Wait. Bakery forum? How did that happen?
  • 2
    @edenworky @tronpi what was the Solution that required a baker. How to make an bread with sourdough or with yeast.
  • 2
    @No-one @stop something like that :-) it was a managing products platform for a bakery. I needed to add categories and simply research what consumables a baker shop would use, a bakers forum was the answer for me then
  • 0
    Good that I know this stuff.
  • 4
    I always try to fuck Google before asking questions
  • 1
    @eldamir ah, logicians humour! 😂
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    I told that to myself so often, that when I did in fact want to ask a question, nobody wanted to even bother listening, because they already knew they wouldn't have an answer.
  • 1
    I was like this once and looking back at it, I feel terrible to have wasted the time of my then coworker/mentor.
    He educated me by not answering any (simple) questions and instead send me a stackoverflow link. After a while I got the hint and just asked, when there was no answer I could find within 2 hours.
  • 1
    You really need to use this "lmgtfy.com"
  • 1
    @No-one new to the community, tought people used it as in hashtag... well atleast some rants/posts make more sense for me now so thanks for pointing that out
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