
snake case > whatever shit you come up with.

  • 0
    yes but the only way to enforce it is to make your own app and hire people and tell them to use snake case, otherwise you're stuck with the for-some-fucking-reason-popular camelCase
  • 5
    I dont care if it's snake_case or camelCase. As long as you don't use Hungarian notation I'm good.
  • 4
    @topsecret230 I was a fan of hungarian notation, ages ago because some smartass from Estonia was really fucking good dev, and he wrote in hungarian notation.

    Then, the type in var name seemed idiotic after IDEs were in better shape and this posed a problem.

    Then I stuck to camelCase, and now realise it sucks if you have 3 or more words in the name, and snake case really sticks out. The underscore emphasizes the separation of words, and due to high DPI monitors the horizontal length of word is no longer a problem.
  • 1
    @jassole the only problem with camel case for me is that I can‘t decide how to write abbreviations like pdf:

    Should it be PDFView or PdfView? Both look wrong.

    Speaking of which, would you also use snake case for type names, which are capitalized?
  • 3
    @Lensflare I'd say all lowercase, pdf_view.
  • 2
    i use whatever is used in the current project or is preferred convention for the language.

    However my favourite is snake_case too.
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