ima keep this very fucking simple: If you support TypeScript, you are a mother fucking asshole and I hope you BURN IN HELL.

  • 7
    Is there an IQ requirement for this site?
  • 3
    Tell us why when you’re at it?
  • 2
    Gotta give a reason atleast
  • 5
    devrant doesn’t support TypeScript
  • 4
    I hate the very idea of interpreted language being translated into another interpreted language. I would rather write in JS directly.

    If Typescript was something like Dart and Go, which go to native codes/machine codes directly, I would love it.
  • 7
    TS is the gloves we wear before we touch the shit named JavaScript
  • 4
    If typescript sends you to hell, the devil is JavaScript
  • 4
    Why do i have the impression, there is a "don't" missing?
  • 2
    @daniel-wu JavaScript was the native code of the web for the longest time until WASM came around. I think the problem with Typescript is that it tries too hard to be similar to JavaScript when the claim "all JavaScript is valid Typescript" hasn't been true ever since it's very easy to accidentally narrow a local's type into "never" with mutually exclusive guards on two sides of an await.
  • 1
    @azuredivay This should be typescript’s homepage
  • 0
    @lorentz When I got to the last line in your post I just thought "that sounds smart" and ++. No clue what the last line or 2 means. lol
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