
Ever since i graduated from college my mental state has drastically improved. I am no longer suicidal and i have will to live. Although my life is still pathetic and unsuccessful at least now i have the freedom to do what i love -- which is to fucking code and not study bullshit trash subjects

  • 4
    Everyone has worked shit jobs getting started. You got this bro. Just resume build until you can get better pay. Like you said, code code code. Make contacts with other devs and build a network. You totally got this!
  • 4
    Adding to the previous advice, dedicate two hours per weekend for a certain activity like football or tennis. It would make you look forward for the next week. Good luck!
  • 3
    Just take that big shit you need take, then step out into the world and conquer!
  • 2
    finding a job after graduation was hell. I'm glad you fared better.

    don't take career obstacles too personally
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