
Why does github have a field in my profile setting where i can set my pronouns? She/her they/them Are you fucking retarded? How can such an intelligent service of github downgrade their intelligence to the level of those mentally ill people? I keep ignoring that mental illness bullshit but now im surprised that even intelligent people are taking it seriously. Anyone who thinks genders.amount > 2 returns true is a mentally sick person in my eyes. Why is this pronouns bullshit even being mainstreamed as normal? Heres my advice: instead of standardizing pronouns as normal, why not send those people to mental asylum hospital and give them some treatment since they desperately need it?

  • 13
    Someone who gets so angry about an optional form field is also probably mentally ill. It’s mentally ill people all the way down.
  • 3
    I would like to know why people are pissed off by nothing
  • 0
    @fckIE i don't give a shit about it until i saw it was programmed in a community of intelligent people
  • 2
    Well, there are real mutants having both physical gender body features

    Usually those extra pronouns are used just by mentally ill people which have their mental gender disorder though
  • 10
    @b2plane show me a community and I'll show you the idiots.

    Sometimes they call themselves out....
  • 2
    my opinion on the matter: if you care about pronouns at all, you know there's a problem - but have no clue about what it might be, because you are part of it.

    regardless of which side of the debate you are on.

    (to make it more obvious: yes. i just called you a problem. go offline. the internet is not the place for you.)

    also: pick up a history book. the concept of "more genders then there are sexes" has been around longer than written language. it's a cultural thing, not a biological one. the concept of "more than two genders" is as arbitrary and pointless as the concept of "exactly two genders".
  • 1
    Statistically, the world is made of hydrogen and helium and everything else is a perversion.
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    I don't mind flame wars about stupid shit, I'm a bit toxic like that. But I would much prefer to have this nonsense off devrant. I want to be able to not look at it temporarily.
  • 2
    I saw it coming when we weren't allowed to have "master" branches anymore. It was rephrased to "main".
  • 2
    The reason why you shouldn't just "get rid" of the mentally ill in some place is because many of these probably became mentally ill by having "gotten rid of" in the first place. You're just making it worse. The intelligent people you speak of have figured that out already. Only the extreme cases that can't be saved or would cause damage need supervision. Gender dysphoria is by no means problematic.

    So here's my advice: Instead of exiling everything that doesn't fit with your world view, how about you develop some tolerance and let people just have that scarce little bit of acknowledgement in their lives instead, as long as it harms no-one?

    Seriously, imagine getting mad over a text field lmao
  • 0
    I have always found it odd that people try to dehumanise people by calling them "metal", "ill", and other names when making a statement about a group they disagree with. After all, this is a discussion about human beings.

    It's easier to shit on people when you intentionally forget that they're made from the same flesh and blood as you and your loved ones.

    Does removing humanity (empathy and compassion) from your statements make them easier to say OP?

    This goes for everyone, whatever your beliefs are on this subject x
  • 0
    I guess you are not properly aware of some definitions. Sex and gender are different things, check it up
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