
I'm taking a summer code class and the professor is shoving Atom down our throats even though I'm a diehard Sublime user. We literally couldn't continue in class until he went one by one through everyone and made sure they had his exact Atom setup

  • 6
    Do atom setup and then change back to Sublime, duh
  • 1
  • 13
    Open vim and if he asks tell him that you don't know how to exit it.
  • 6
    Get used to it. When you enter the workforce you'll often have to use technologies you rather wouldn't. Constraints set by clients, corporate licenses, etc.
  • 1
    I can't use atom I feel you.
  • 0
    You can set atom functionality same as that of sublime. The beauty of Open source.
  • 3
    My big problem with atom is that it's soooooo bad at opening any file bigger then 2 MB.
  • 4
    @KylePiira your problem should be with whoever created that 2 mb file...

    I'm not an atom fan
  • 3
    @pajaja I'm ashamed to admit the number of times my file is littered with 'qq!x:q:q!x FOR THE LOVE OF GOD JUST QUIT' before I finally figure it out.
  • 0
    @Torbuntu Adobe :/
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