
Im deploying a nextjs site via amazon aws amplify. Working with amazon is truly hell. But once it works its truly amazing. Jess bozos have outdone himself. I still dont understand what im doing every time im using aws. Its just trial and error every time for me. (note i still cant deploy the site to my domain there is some build error. Hours of fucking with this and still cant resolve it). However i somehow managed to assign an Amazon SSL Certificate to my domain

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    Recommending more simple Digital Ocean 🌊

    AWS is more for DevOps Engineers which learned Infrastructure as a code and tools like Terraform
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    @darkwind IT WORKED BRUH WTF

    Apparently aws yaml config has been set to 'out' directory instead of 'build'
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    @darkwind whats terraform i heard it often
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    @darkwind also if u have aws knowledge then yourSalary *= 10;
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    @b2plane Terraform can be started learning with this book.

    It is tool to automate actions in cloud provider with declarative and static typed code.

    When u change your Terraform code about which objects are present and how configured, Terraform applyment only changes from previous state to match new one
    (Automatically deletes objects for which code no longer present, tries to update date of objects to match new desired case, and only in worst case replaces objects that can match new state only through replacement)

    Must have tool for overbloated complex cloud providers, removes click ops :)

    Automates buying servers, configuring DNS, getting Databases and etc
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    @darkwind now im getting fucked with cors policy. The frontend cant send requests to backend because of cors. Both frontend and backend have been deployed on aws. How to fix this
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    Amplify’s docs are so half-assed it grinds my gears. AWS docs are in general… well, I’ve seen better, I’ve seen worse, but sometimes the only documentation of something is a random blog post or a Re:Invent talk somewhere and that’s it.

    @darkwind when it comes to AWS, why TF if you can AWS CDK? That is actually a joy to work with (although better documentation wouldn’t hurt, even though they are pretty good by AWS standards). Terraform does become beneficial the moment you don’t vendor lock yourself in, though. But their CDK is pretty much a carbon copy of AWS’, afaik.
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    @100110111 i fixed cors policy because domain was supposed to be example.com instead of example.com/
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