Competent software engineers are in high demand in Belgium. If you are looking for a workplace that treats devs as demi-Gods, relocate now.

Perks available to you are:
- working from home 2-5 days/ week.
- English at the workplace because the northern & southern parts don't speak each other's languages
- terrible rush hour traffic jams allowing you to flexibly choose your schedule as long as there is enough overlap
- pension & hospital insurance
- a company car (electric or fuel)
- ability to get away with any lack of soft skills as long as you're technically strong
- a competitive salary (2-4k/mo), even with almost half of it being eaten by taxes
- limited competition, because there's a sore lack of competent developers

  • 8
    2k/mo is competitive? How much is rent?
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    Are they willing to smuggle me through the border? 🤔🤔🤔
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    Not impressed by salary. I did more in the Netherlands
  • 0
    Nice site you have btw
  • 1
    What a pity my parents voted to reduce my future opportunities by 27 countries worth
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    @spongessuck @helloworld rent is (depending on how much space & where you rent) 500 - 1200. And the minimum figure I mentioned is for when you have < 2y of exp. We have a freelancer from Croatia who works remote 3/5th and it's been a lucrative opportunity for him

    @retoor yes Netherlands pays better but is also more expensive to live in. I have a website update sitting here for 2y waiting to be pushed but I´m more focused on https://metalsmith.io for now.
  • 0
    Seems like 1200/mo is for 1 bedroom. I'll need at least 3 of those :)
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    @spongessuck Also those 2000 euro are deducted by tax, so you barely have anything left after paying 1200 euro for rent. Europe's living cost has always been high. I highly doubt it when I read 'competitive salary'. What use of high salary if living cost is high.
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    My brother pays 550 for a one-bedroom apartment. It is 20 min WALKING from the city center.

    I currently have less than 2y experience and I'm paid 2.2k netto (excluding company car, fuel car and other extras OP mentioned). I also live in the region (in Flanders) with slightly lower IT wages.
  • 2
    Do you recommend any websites to search for jobs in Belgium? I want to leave my country :)
  • 1
    @daniel-wu I gave netto figures but mentioned that somewhat ambiguously in the first post (so after taxes, cost to employer is double!)

    @jcbbb https://www.ictjob.be, https://creativeskills.be (more agency-focused) and Linkedin ofc
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    @webketje Thanks :)
  • 2
    I'd go work to Belgium if I get unlimited pay as beer. Free access to everything at Delirium ftw!
  • 1
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