What a day. Teacher told if I can fix few school PCs. Well, quarantined few hundreds of malware and installed Gnu/Linux on one PC just for testing. Only thing left to do is make AutoCAD somehow work and I hope the school can switch from Windows XP to GNU/Linux.

  • 0
    Lol, don't bother. Linux is practically impossible to manage at that scale for that use case.
  • 1
    @drRoss What do you mean by "impossible to manage"? They don't even manage the XP machines. If there is Something wrong with them they just restore disk image. And the are only about 90 PCs, so I think, some sort of test setup with 5 PCs with Ubuntu and Ajenti for testing and will see if they'll like it.
  • 1
    Yay. 3 more PCs running Ubuntu and currently making file server with freeNAS. That's how I like it. 😄
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