
I cant believe im crying while coding because i cant fix a bug. Is this a mild reaction of a burnout. Instead of giving up I'm literally crying and i cant control it. Good thing im alone in the room so nobody can see me

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    Not everything must be burn out.

    Nervous breakdown, PTSD (yes, this can happen at workplaces, too....), Depression...

    Or a friendly reminder of your body that your health is in danger and it doesn't wanna deal with that shit anymore.

    Give the task to someone else and recharge your batteries. Take a week off, it's most likely overdue.
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    @IntrusionCM now im laughing for no reason. Im mocking the bug. Every new npm run dev im predicting the future saying: if bug A ain't gonna show then bug B is definitely it this time! But then it works. And then after not touching anything and running again it doesnt work anymore. This bug is such an emotional and mental rollercoaster i have ever had. One of the most bizarre bugs that come from nowhere. I'll take a break and eat something purely out of stress
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    The most fucked up build system.

    My condolences.


    Is the dep graph human understandable or one of the 1000 plus packages kind?

    Even worse, just JS packages or packages with "I need a C / C++ / ..." compiler ...

    Especially the last ones are nefarious....

    I hate NPM. It's an abomination.
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    @IntrusionCM seems like i finally fixed it. I ended up listening to church chant music about jesus cause today's easter. I hope God helped me stop my suffering? What happened.dont know. All i know is my brain is fried. I can feel my head pulsating. I need rest
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    Nah, its fine. Coding is hard and our brains aren't made for it. As long as it stops when you actually find the bug and doesn't keep hounting you, it is just a normal reaction to feeling hopelessly incapable of solving the problem.

    You could try to distract yourself from the problem a bit by doing something else which doesn't require much brain power whenever that feelings happen. That way, the brain can calm down a bit and get fresh for the next try.
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    You need to take a break. Get outside for a bit.. no technology, just your feet on some grass or sand, fresh air and god for a walk or something. You’ll feel better and then you can smash it
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    I usually feel like this because of peer pressure: deadlines, a need to report. If you're stuck with those, it would be better to face it first instead of the code. Extend, embrace.
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    no, it's not a mild reaction of a burnout. it's a serious reaction of a burnout and you should invest some time in your mental health, and work/life-balance. _before_ it's too late.
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    The real advantage of remote work.
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