
Why the fuck do all these good fucking companies need that proven fucking 3 years of work fucking experience to join? You gotta fucking start somewhere

  • 15
    @seeba i feel ya there. Basically you got two options, provided you can back it up with skill:

    1: be honest, admit you're new and demonstrate your skills
    2: fake your experience on your resumé and lie to them in a groteske way until you get in.

    In my experience, the lie gets you further then the truth...
  • 10
    Oh i forgot the third option: be your own company.
  • 0
    Or don't start with a good company?
  • 2
    Can't lying about your experience screw you pretty hard in the future?
  • 0
    Yup I'm inventing my own companies :D
  • 1
    Pad up your resume with side projects, fork some GitHub repos and make useful changes, market yourself on your resume and overstate how long you've been using each language etc.
  • 0
    @maltedMilk Ooh thanks a lot for the explanation ๐Ÿ˜„
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime 1. Sorry we have better candidates
    2 won't they verify before letting me in๐Ÿ™„
  • 0
    @NeatNerdPrime and 2 years down the line, repeat the same process again๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 0
    @maltedMilk that's some really good advice there
  • 0
    To all the experienced devs, should I work as an intern in a rather good company with no guarantee of becoming a perm, or should I get in for now and make bigger jumps later?

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